Property deals

Full legal service for real estate transactions. Whether you are buying or selling a house, villa or other property, for investment purposes, settling relations between relatives, transferring to your children or for any other reason, we will do everything necessary to achieve your goal in the easiest and fastest way possible way. Searching for a property, announcing a property for sale, negotiating a future transaction, drafting and concluding a preliminary contract and notarial deed, procurement of documents, representation before a notary – we take care of all these things.

Property management

Properties should be managed properly to be an asset and not a burden. So they can bring you income and will not be a source of problems, nerves and trouble. Regardless of the reasons, there are many cases in which the management of a property becomes a significant, even insurmountable difficulty – the owners live outside Bulgaria, live in another populated place, do not have time or knowledge, own more properties and a number of other reasons why entrust their management to us.

We offer a similar service as one of the most sought after in the market. It may include renting, entering into leases, paying taxes and other obligations on the property, contacting the tenants and monitoring the timely payment of bills by them, maintenance and repair of the properties, regular verification of ownership in the property register, with purpose of fraud prevention or overall management of your property.

Real estate transactions and their management require serious experience, which we can put at your service. We will understand your goals and help you get the most out of your real estate transactions – seamlessly and successfully.